60fps vs 30fps for Shooting Video

September 01, 2021

60fps vs 30fps for Shooting Video

Are you planning on shooting a video and unsure whether to go for 60fps or 30fps? The decision can be challenging, but fear not! In this blog post, we will compare these two frame rates, highlighting their pros and cons, and helping you make an informed decision.

What is Frame Rate?

Frame rate is the number of still images or frames played per second in a video. The most common frame rates include 24fps, 30fps, and 60fps. Note that the higher the number of frames, the smoother and more fluid the video looks.

60fps for Shooting Video

Shooting video at 60 frames per second is ideal for scenarios when you want to capture fast-paced motion. Since each frame captures more details, the video appears smoother overall. Here are the pros and cons of shooting at 60fps:


  • Provides cinematic quality footage, making it ideal for those looking to share their video on big screens, like cinemas.

  • The higher frame rate technically produces better-quality and more detailed footage.

  • Results in a buttery-smooth video, ideal for action scenes, sports, and video games.


  • Consumes more storage space than 30fps.

  • The video may appear unnatural or surreal because of its smoothness.

  • Requires more processing power than 30fps to handle the increased amount of data, which can be a problem for older devices.

30fps for Shooting Video

Shooting at 30fps is a common practice for video recording since it provides a balance between quality and reasonable file size. Here are the pros and cons of video shooting at 30fps:


  • Suitable for everyday video recording for social media, uploading to YouTube, etc.

  • Filmmakers use 30fps to produce traditional movies, so you can attain the cinematic look you desire.

  • Suitable for recording in low-light conditions, as it takes longer for the shutter to open and close, thus capturing more light.


  • Fast-paced action scenes may appear choppy or blurred because the video is not capturing enough frames in a short amount of time.

  • It may produce jerky footage for action-packed scenes, which may be a drawback for sports or video games.


In conclusion, which frame rate you choose depends on the type of video you intend to create. Shooting at 60fps is ideal when capturing fast-paced action scenes, whereas 30fps is best for everyday video recordings. If file storage is a concern or if you have an older device with limited processing power, go for 30fps. But if you want to produce slow-motion effects or share your video on the big screen, 60fps is the way to go.

We hope this blog helps you make the right decision for your next video project. Happy shooting!


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